We all want our childhood back don’t we! Many times we feel like entering schools once again and reliving our childhood. Let’s take a sneak peek into childhood once again.
Endless giggles, playful thoughts, candies, silly acts, no exertion, waiting for the evening bells to ring and rushing to homes, favourite food and lots more…
Is there anything about childhood that we do not want to remember?
Are we sure childhood is a carefree stage and we never fear anything? Let’s go back down memory lane and you will find your answers.
Yes, children do have problems and fears that mostly go unnoticed. What can they be? It’s time to lend ears to their problems at school.
Complications at school
- feel anxious on the way to school
- withdraw from sharing ideas in class or chatting to friends at lunch
- not feeling confident in work
- feel less motivated to do schoolwork or homework
- get headaches or stomach aches thinking about school
- marks drop because finding it difficult to focus
- get stressed and angry at things
These could be just symptoms, real problems can be seen only on listening and decoding indirect questions and conversations with children.
Based on a random friendly chat with kids, these problems were shared by them.
LONG FOCUS HOURS with so much interruption and noises around end up in incomplete tasks and incomprehensible concepts. The solution is in the form of extra classes or tutions. Pinching playtime and family will that really help?
Friends are blessings but at times COMPARISON with friends tend to complicate things. “My friend makes beautiful paintings, why is mine not so pretty?” Small comparisons bring spirits down.
Small actions go without RECOGNITION. Small write-ups, drawings, crafts, acts of kindness often go without recognition.
Teachers have a big impact on students’ mindsets. TEACHERS CAN ACT AS A SUPPORT SYSTEM. Rare acknowledgements and ignorance can lead to big problems.

MEETING EXPECTATIONS from an early age is not easy but emotionally tiring too. “I always try my best but still …”.
Stress itself is not a bad thing, says many experts, in fact the positive form of stress is referred to as ‘Eustress’.
According to Mike Fisher,’ Being challenged helps learn new skills to meet that challenge and keeps us ready to jump over any hurdles thrown our way.
- Encourage children to face their fears, and watch them disappear.
- Teach your children to accept and work on their imperfections.
- Ensure that your children get sufficient time to relax and have fun.
- Lead by example- share an imperfect piece of work with kids and make them understand perfection is an illusion there is always scope for improvement.
- Reward your child’s hidden hero with compliments and recognize their smallest effort.
- Work things out with the teachers. Find out ways to help children.
We cannot take fears away but we can stand beside and assure our children that they are not alone.