“Any experience that results from the interaction of an individual with the environment and which involves the individual constantly manipulating and shaping the environment is called art”.

My journey at Chrysalis has been spectacular and overwhelming. The school has positive vibes that makes it meautiful shelter for not only students but also for teachers. The systematic approach that is followed at school, made my transition into the system so effortless and at the same time challenging. My start as a english teacher, I felt extremely supported by management. It made me confident to grow as an educater.

Teaching at Chrysalis has been a great experience that I would ever be grateful and thankful to the management. They have experienced Head of the Department who is not only an excellent educator but a wonderful motivator. Our strength is our “Team work”. The teaching philosophy is inspiring as the curriculum is well planned in hand before.

It is indeed a prevelege to be a part of the management team in Chrysalis that is keen on pursuing excellence in education.

J Asha
English Teacher